A message from Robert T. Leonard, Attorney & CPA (inactive)

“During this unprecedented time the Government is taking steps to help taxpayers. In addition to the $2 trillion stimulus bill the IRS has relaxed its guidelines and conditions for its premier taxpayer relief program – called the Offer in Compromise. The IRS is processing Offer’s at this time and based upon my recent conversations with offer in compromise specialists and appeals officers now is the time to submit yours. Like the stimulus bill, the IRS wants to assist taxpayers with tax debt and the offer in compromise program is the method to use.”
Law Firm and Tax Defense Q&A
[updated 8/26/2020]
1. Is the firm open and taking new tax and IRS defense clients?
Yes, we are happy to accept new clients.
2. Do you offer digital, remote free consultations?
Yes, we can use whichever communication method works best for you. Free consultations are available to discuss your tax matter.
3. I want to meet the attorney before retaining their service, what can I do?
Take advantage of a free consultation, via phone or Zoom to discuss your case.
4. What is the best way to communicate with my attorney and the firm?
Send an email to [email protected] or call 818-485-2115 to discuss your tax case.
5. Can I sign up with an attorney for my case without going into an office?
My office is available to discuss your case via a phone call or zoom conference. Important documents to assist in understanding your tax case in advance of the phone/zoom conference can be emailed to [email protected]
6. Will my tax case take longer because of the public health crisis?
There might be a slight delay of a few weeks in the processing of your offer in compromise. After the offer has been assigned to a offer specialist there should not be any further delays.
7. Is my current tax case on hold during the Covid-19 public health crisis?
No. The IRS offer in compromise specialists and appeals officer continue to work their assigned offers remotely.
8. Is this the time to submit an offer in compromise?
Absolutely. The IRS will do everything they can to resolve your tax debt and now is the time to take advantage of the situation.