As we noted in our prior post, few people really think about their future tax bill in September. After all, there are more than six months before next year’s federal income tax filing deadline. Nevertheless, time doesn’t stop when it comes to finding and noting deductions.
As a matter of fact, there are a number of people who relocate in August; especially graduate students who move to take part in new employment in addition to duties to further their degrees. As such, it may be possible to deduct moving expenses incurred to further one’s educational pursuits.
IRS publications, you may be able to deduct reasonable moving expenses if your move satisfies three important criteria. This post will highlight them.
The move qualifies under the distance test – The new job must be at least 50 miles away from your previous home. If you did not have a previous job, the new employment must still be at least 50 miles away from your previous domicile.
The move closely relates to the start of work – Essentially, expenses incurred within one year from the date you start work at your new job may be deducted on your tax return.
The time test must be met – As a new employee, you must work at least 39 weeks within the first 12 months of relocating to your new residence. Indeed, there are exceptions to this rule to account for disability, involuntary separation or deaths of family members that prevent you from working during the 12 month period.
If you have additional questions regarding deductions, an experienced tax law attorney can help.