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Your rights as a taxpayer: appealing an audit

On Behalf of | Oct 17, 2019 | Audits |

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducts audits to ensure that your reported tax amount is correct. But just because you face an audit does not necessarily mean there was a problem with your tax return. Many audits are conducted at random by a statistical formula to compare your tax return with similar returns.

However, if you don’t agree with the results of the audit, you have the right to appeal it.

Working with the Appeals Office

Using the Appeals Office of the IRS is an informal method of appealing your case outside of court. This way you can settle audit disagreements without the expenses of a court trial. By working with an attorney, you can get help filing a protest that includes:

  • The changes your auditor proposed
  • Changes you are disputing
  • Evidence that supports your dispute

If you still cannot come to an agreement with the Appeals Office or do not want to use their services, you may be eligible to take your case to tax court.

Taking your case to court

Typically, you will know if you can take your case to court if you receive a letter from the IRS saying that you may be able to receive compensation for your audit. Tax courts can review and take any IRS disagreement cases related to:

  • Income tax
  • Estate tax
  • Gift tax
  • Other excise taxes
  • Tax refunds

If the court finds your argument justified, you may recover some of the costs of the court proceedings.

Appealing a tax audit can be worth it if you disagree with your auditor’s findings. If you feel your tax auditor has made a mistake, an experienced tax attorney can review your situation and represent your case to provide the best possible outcome for you.


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